Employment and Labour Law​

Employment and Labour Law​

We provide judicial and legal support to employers in all aspects of employment and labour law.

In Employment and Labour Law, knowledge of case law and applicable legal norms is particularly important. Case law and legal norms supplement the legislation and affect an employer’s ability to act in a variety of practical situations.

Employment and Labour Law concerns one of the key resources of any company – its personnel. Successful solutions motivate workers and reinforce a positive image of the employer. The costs of erroneous solutions and the sanctions attached to them continue to increase, emphasising the need for careful planning that takes into consideration the employer’s legal rights and obligations.

We provide judicial and legal support to employers in all aspects of employment and labour law. We are involved in building new organisations, working rules and contracts of employment. We represent our clients in civil and criminal cases relating to employment and assist in cooperation negotiations. Our aim is to find solutions that are both long-lasting and conducive to business.

Law firm research and evaluation publications such as Chambers Europe, Best Lawyers®, Business Today Lawyer Award and Client Choice have acknowledged our group's expertise and competence.


  • Individual employment contracts and director contracts
  • Incentive and bonus schemes
  • Personal data
  • Collective labour law
  • Restructuring and reorganisations
  • Outsourcing and other transactional matters
  • Assignment of business
  • Litigation


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