Real Estate and Construction

Real Estate and Construction

Our services cover not only all aspects of project development but every stage of the construction process from project inception to post-completion.

Construction and real estate development projects are regulated by various laws and statutes. Investments and risks are often substantial, and, therefore, wide-ranging yet practical legal expertise is required.

The expertise of our experienced team of lawyers is utilised by private and public sector property owners, developers, contractors, financiers and consultants in a variety of construction and real estate development projects.


  • Procurement advice and project management
  • Drafting and negotiating construction contracts, warranties and guarantees
  • Project finance
  • Securities at the construction stage
  • Project advice and risk analysis
  • Zoning
  • Dispute avoidance and litigation
  • Contract litigation, arbitration and mediation
  • Environmental law
  • Real Estate Transactions


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